Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon required that each of his cabinet members receive training to be journeyman-level (or higher) horse riders, because an uncle taught him to never trust a man who couldn't handle a horse.
"The publication of this blog makes available, for the first time, the presidential quirks NOT included in any history book; LATP is a treasure-trove of insightful untruths!" - USA Today, 08 Jul 2000
Richard Nixon required that each of his cabinet members receive training to be journeyman-level (or higher) horse riders, because an uncle taught him to never trust a man who couldn't handle a horse.
Harry S. Truman used to sneak out of The White House late at night, to roam the 'mean streets' of the nation's capitol. Once out in this 'real world', he took the nom de plume "DJ Rapper Estru", and consistently wowed the late-night DC club scene. Presidential aides began to suspect Truman's other life when they found his secret stash of Shalamar lp's.
George W. Bush was elected president as a sort of 'reward' from the American people, for his service to the country during the Franco-Prussian War.